Monday, November 24, 2008

Taipan Snake

" Inland Taipan is not world's most toxic snake else rightly saying it is terrestrial world's most toxic land snake on earth. Snake which is far more poisonous than Taipan or any other land snake is Hydrophis Belcheri. Hydrophis Belcheri is a sea snake and comes in limited contacts with humans (exceptions are Fishermen, Sea Divers, etc). Other names of this sea snake is ' Faint Banded Sea Snake ' also called as ' Belcher's Sea Snake '. This sea snake is not ranked nor included in my top tens due to its non-terrestrial nature and limited human encounters. Anyhow I'm still collecting more information on this snake from my local library and would soon publish a separate article on it with more details, pics and vids. "

Snake's Description: Generally Taipans are uniformly olive or dark brown, the head is somewhat darker brown.

Snake's Toxic Rank 1: Taipan is the world's No.1, the most toxic snake of all. An extremely deadliest terrestrial snake on earth. If bitten by mistake sure death within few minutes. Maximum survival time recorded after Taipan's bite is not more than one hour. Taipan's bite has rarest chance of survival. Taipan has four major sub-species like Western or Inland Taipan ( Oxyuranus Microlepidotus ) or ( Fierce Snake ) , Papuan Taipan ( Oxyuranus s. canni ) , Common or Coastal Taipan ( Oxyuranus Scutellatus ) and Central Ranges Taipan ( Oxyuranus Temporalis ) . Inland Taipan or Fierce snake is much more toxic than others including Oxyuranus Scutellatus and Oxyuranus S. Canni. Maximum yield recorded (from a single bite of Inland Taipan) is 110mg. Just few mg of Inland Taipan's venom is enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice. Australia's Western or Inland Taipan or Fierce Snake is the world's most toxic, venomous terrestrial land Snake. ( Ranked No.1 )

Snake's Characteristics: Considered as the most deadliest and poisonous snakes of all. Many people believe that Taipans are very aggressive but the fact is that they are docile creatures. Yes they has an aggressive disposition only when mishandled or disturbed without warning. When aroused, Taipan can display a fearsome appearance by flattening its head, raising it off the ground, waving it back and forth, and suddenly striking with such speed that the victim may receive several bites before it retreats. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin, causing respiratory paralysis. Its victim has very little chance for recovery without prompt medical aid.

Snake's Habitat: At home in a variety of habitats, Inland Taipan is found from the savanna grasslands to the inland dry plains of Australia. Where as Taipan - Oxyuranus Scutellatus are often seen in forests and open woodlands. Very less or no information regarding newly discovered Central Ranges Taipan ( Oxyuranus temporalis ).

Snake's Length:: Average Taipan's length is 1.8 meters and maximum of 3.7 meters.

Snake's Distribution: Taipans ( Oxyuranus Scutellatus) are found in Northern Australia and Southern New Guinea. Whereas Inland Taipan ( world's most toxic snake ) is found in Central Australia. Papuan Taipan ( Oxyuranus S. Canni ) are found in New Guinea.

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